bauma Open Innovation

Do you know about any events or fairs, please let us know

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bauma Open Innovation

Post #1 by baumaMax » Fri Apr 08, 2016 2:44 pm

This week Messe München launched for bauma an open innovation platform for the construction, construction machinery and mining sector. In the current project, TEI Rock Drills, an American manufacturer of drilling attachments, limited access drills & hydraulic drifters, is looking for new purposes of application for their "DrillAll" - a special drilling device for extreme limited access drilling. The most active participants will be rewarded with special prizes, among others a trip to Colorado visiting the “Open House” of TEI Rock Drills.

In order to achieve the most innovative outcomes, we seek to establish a diverse community with experts from various professional backgrounds. We would be glad to invite members of this forum as innovators as we believe that users of this forum have a large range of specialist knowledge and can come up with highly innovative ideas and approaches.

We would be delighted, if join our community and directly participate in the project by singing up here:

Thank you very much for your support and best regards,


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