As you might have seen here Mr. MacGregor, Mr. Macgregor has an odd combination of stop and cold start retard cables. Currently we have the stop cable here

but as far as I know it should be in the top left hole here.

We also have this old cable

What I've seen is that the stop cable can be a T type knob but the cold start cable isn't, it's always round and black. The stop cable seems to normally be red but not always. I don't know if anyone else has a clearer idea of what is correct and what you would do in this situation. I'm not sure, as fitting the T cable to the stop position is easier, but I'm not sure it will be right, and I like the idea of having the colours right. We'll need to free the plunger on the pump as it's totally solid before using the retard system, but I'm hoping it will make Mr. Macgregor feel the cold less, quite diferent from Billy who never feels it.
Any opinions welcome.