jcb 3c mk2 fuel heater "glow plug"

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jcb 3c mk2 fuel heater "glow plug"

Post #1 by armijolj » Mon Jul 29, 2024 5:49 am

Would anyone have or know of an electrical and fuel schematic for the glow plug preheat system and also how it works? Thanks.

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Re: jcb 3c mk2 fuel heater "glow plug"

Post #2 by kaos » Mon Jul 29, 2024 10:48 am

Have you checked the downloads section for service manual and/or electric diagram?

Does it look similar to this: ? Located in the intake manifold, with a fuel line and electrical connection?

If so, electrical power is applied before starting (usually by pre-heat position of starting key). As the plug warms up it will allow a trickle of fuel (gravity fed) to seep through and be vapourized. When you then start, this vapour is drawn into the engine and helps to fire it up.

Note that I provided the link for illustration purposes. Agriline does list this item for JCB 3C, but there was a lot of development over that models long life, and it might be as well to get a confirmation elsewhere that it fits your machine.

Best regards, Kári.

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Re: jcb 3c mk2 fuel heater "glow plug"

Post #3 by Billy26F5 » Mon Jul 29, 2024 11:04 am

There's no heater, the injector pump will either have excess fuel button or a timing retarder control (this one is in the dash, looks a bit like the stop control) depending on wheather it's a minimec or DPA pump, other than that there's the start pilot system which uses a controlled quantity of ether pumped in by a pump on the dash. These engines should start pretty well in the cold but they will feel it. I recommend you check the the manuals too.
The thermostart was not fitted till late in the 3CIII era and replaces the start pilot system. The ignition switch and wiring are different and it works as described by Kári.
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Re: jcb 3c mk2 fuel heater "glow plug"

Post #4 by » Mon Jul 29, 2024 2:32 pm

Billy26F5 wrote:The thermostart was not fitted till late in the 3CIII era and replaces the start pilot system.

I was wondering if it's still got it's original engine - a newer engine would certainly explain why the OP is having fun working it out
(Not being present would also make it hard!)

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Re: jcb 3c mk2 fuel heater "glow plug"

Post #5 by Billy26F5 » Mon Jul 29, 2024 3:38 pm

That is possible, but I suspect it's more likely to be that it has the earlier start pilot system. Either way these engines are among the better starters, but don't expect the standards of Fordson Major starting as they do feel the cold (by that I mean an extra turn or two, it could be that the timing is not great as well, but that would cause issues when hot as well). Minimec fitted engines should be better than DPA ones.
By the way the diesel in the thermostart is actually ignited by the heater element, thus getting much more heat without using too much battery.

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