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Re: photos wanted

Post #11 by AMRoss » Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:15 pm

Unusual to see Biwater running heavy plant as they were / are primarily known for waterworks contracts.

However going on the investigation trail brought me to Shellabear Price who were bought out by Biwater in 1977 so this is presumably part of the original SB fleet.

SB were the earthworks contractor for the construction of the Invergordon Smelter in the late 60s.

The last time I had seen mention of Biwater Construction was on a crawler lane construction contract on the A96 in Moray and they ended up in court with Morrison Quarries over the quality of the materials supplied. Not sure how it was resolved.

Biwater Construction used to have an office / yard in Cairneyhill near Dunfermline.

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Re: photos wanted

Post #12 by tctractors » Thu Jul 05, 2012 8:03 am

Biwater/ Shellabear Price, had the last D8K tractor ever sold in the UK, it ended up once in the Don Ford fleet being sold??? at his Auction around 1995/6, we were the under bidder at £46'600 or there abouts, the tractor it seemed was down to Biffa Waste from the week before the sale and no amount of coins would set it free, we did buy a "K" at the sale, it was the last tractor in the line for £21'400, this was worked hard for about 11 years on blade and box duty, this is the tractor I am taking to Welland Steam Show, the Blue Boy the Biwater tractor I spotted parked up with brambles trying to hide it looking a wreck at a Brick Works just off the 449 above Worc' a few years back.

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Re: photos wanted

Post #13 by ron54 » Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:01 pm

Tony will you be giving rides at Welland? my neighbours 18yr old daughter has always fancied a chance at climbing aboard and pulling a few
knobs,I will of course suggest that she wears jeans instead of her usual mini-skirt

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Real name: tony coates
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Re: photos wanted

Post #14 by tctractors » Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:01 pm

Sadly Phill, its not something I can realy do as it only has the 1 seat and I might be to heavy to sit on the lass's lap?? but anyone is more than welcome to climb up into the pilot seat, I did have a hope to also have a 463 box from a nearby muckshift site dropped off to drag about, but the site is so behind due to rain I am told?? that this might not happen?

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