I’m new here, but am hoping one of you clever people can give me some pointers so I can mend a problem with my old dumper.
Having looked on here and a bit of Googling, I think my dumper is a Thwaites PH2, although I’m happy to be corrected if not. I’ve attached a few photos which will hopefully assist.
Anyway, it was working perfectly well until a couple of weeks ago when it was stood, ticking over, then the rev’s started to drop and it stalled. As the rev’s dropped, it sounded very much like when the hydraulics are under load, as usually it would need a good push of the accelerator pedal to keep it running whilst steering or activating the bucket.
When I went to restart it, the starter motor would not turn the engine over, as if there were additional load being placed upon it.
I made sure the bucket lever was in the ‘neutral’ position, and also made sure that the steering was not under load, but to no avail.
Usually, it turns over nice and quickly, and with a little puff of Easystart, fires up pretty easily. But, even thought the battery is fully charged, there’s too much load on it for the starter motor to turn.
I did wonder if there was any way I could isolate the hydraulics to remove that from the equation, but can’t see any way to do it.
If anyone knows how to isolate the hydraulics load or as to what the root cause may be, I would be really grateful for any pointers!!!
Thank you
