Insecure Load

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Jeremy Rowland
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Insecure Load

Post #1 by Jeremy Rowland » Sat Nov 08, 2014 9:11 pm

This is an eight ton saw mill gearbox that was reconditioned at the company where I work, and was dispatched last Saturday; it was bound for Scunthorpe but never made it, I was informed that the lorry it was on tried to negotiate a sharp bend on the motorway the securing straps broke and the load fell off. Apparently the truck went off the road up an embankment and the rear axle was ripped off the truck. :dizzy:
The only good outcome was that as it happened at night time and nobody was hurt; must say I feel sorry for the lorry driver who will no doubt be done with 'insecure load' and 'driving without due care and attention'
I am told that the highways agency want £35k to repair the damage to the carriageway :shock: oh well I guess its an ill wind that blows nobody any good as we now have to strip and rebuild the whole thing again and it has not done so much as one days work since we rebuilt it.

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Re: Insecure Load

Post #2 by Mrsmackpaul » Sun Nov 09, 2014 4:31 am

let his be lesson to all


People need to learn how to use chains and ropes for restraining loads they seem to be out of fashion now which is a shame as people no longer have the art and I use the word art because it is a art to use ropes chains and tarp loads an art that is just about dead

with a load that is chained down properly the truck and or trailer can roll over and the load stays attached

its no good about the truck driver or the gear box the main thing is I guess no on was hurt just a bit of pride

Your better to die trying than live on your knees begging

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