Back to the business of this engine strip down and rebuild; I couldn't really do anything until I had measured the cylinder bores, before I go on more it is my suspicion that this engine had a heat seizure and somebody did a quick cheap rebuild on it, according to the Perkins manual the liners should measure 98.48mm to 98.50mm quite a tight tolerance in my opinion, I used a set of telescopic gauges and then measured with an external micrometer, the readings went from 98.45mm to 98.54mm, readings were taken from top, middle and bottom of the liners along with one diagonally opposed measurement of each liner.
There was some minor scoring in the bores, one of which I had wondered if it was a crack as it ran above the travel level of the top ring, I did get a second opinion on this but after honing was happy that it was only a score mark, that was on no6 cylinder.
The block liners were honed, I also checked the big ends which are standard, I will probably fit new pistons and rings along with big ends and a full gasket set.