Winget 3s accelerator rod / cable set up

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Re: Winget 3s accelerator rod / cable set up

Post #11 by mechman » Sun Apr 04, 2021 10:34 pm

It's a bit long winded but by the pic that gov arm should be against the throttle spindle. Get rid of of all that wire clap trap and start from spill timing the pump as it's a new/replacement from the original and the settings are likely to be a bit out. Fred has done a comprehensive post on this.
Norm :thumbup:

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Re: Winget 3s accelerator rod / cable set up

Post #12 by FOWLER MAN » Mon Apr 05, 2021 7:54 pm

Hi Greengrass,
You say the throttle only compresses the spring when applied. That's correct. :thumbup:
The governor on these Petters engines works by creating a balance between the governor springs in the engine and the spring you see externally. I'll try to explain.
As the engine picks up speed the governor weights which are mounted on the cam shaft gear in the timing case are held in place by the governor springs. They fly out by centrifugal force as the engine speeds up overcoming the springs.
The weights are linked to a rod which passes through the hollow cam shaft and exerts pressure on the governor control arm, (lever), at the flywheel end of the engine as the engine speeds up.
This arm in turn then pushes the injector pump rack back cutting down the fuel supply to the injector and so slowing the engine.
The external spring compresses against the opposite end of governor control arm as the accelerator is applied. This exerts increasing pressure against the control arm overcoming the pressure exerted by the governor springs until a balance is achieved. :geek:
The engine then runs at constant speed according to the pressure imposed on the external spring by the throttle pedal.
I don't know if you can follow that, but I tried. :lol: :lol:
Last edited by FOWLER MAN on Tue Apr 06, 2021 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Winget 3s accelerator rod / cable set up

Post #13 by Greengrass1 » Mon Apr 05, 2021 9:24 pm

Brilliant, thank you for the explanation. As mentioned I am learning and everything is new to me. I really appreciate the wealth of knowledge on here. Back to tinkering now! Thanks Greengrass

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Re: Winget 3s accelerator rod / cable set up

Post #14 by Greengrass1 » Mon Apr 05, 2021 10:37 pm

Evening all, I have fitted a refurbished fuel pump and it now starts easily. Would it start well if the spill timing was out? Thanks

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Re: Winget 3s accelerator rod / cable set up

Post #15 by mechman » Tue Apr 06, 2021 10:49 am

If it starts easy and runs ok I would leave It alone.

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Re: Winget 3s accelerator rod / cable set up

Post #16 by Greengrass1 » Mon Apr 12, 2021 8:23 am

Morning all, thanks for all the help. I now see how everything should operate and now I have sorted everything to be set up correctly. I have successfully changed the clutch and everything is back up and running. Great moment taking her out for a spin. :D

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