Firstly thanks to Holger for the help so far.
I have finally got an opportunity to make a trip out to Toowoomba QLD/Dalby area.
Looking to re connect with a chap Don Scouller, who, in 2010 purchased and saved our old Challenger 3 from being sent to scrap during the estate cleanup and eventual sale of my late step father.
At the time I was invited to either see the machines running/restored and check out other machinery.
Hopefully I'm not too late, as time has FLOWN by the last 15 years.
I have confirmed from pictures posted by Don (marshallmp6 I believe) that our old dozer is in his fleet.
I will try post pics up now of the recovery process, there are heaps of pics but trying to respect a persons privacy.
I tried to call the number on the side of the truck which was for Scouller Plant Hire at Chinchilla, but both numbers are unused/disconnected.
I have never stopped thinking about that absolute unit of a Dozer as I had every intention of restoring it but none of the experience, equipment or land.
From what my step father told me he drove that thing about 15km on public roads (mostly single lane back roads) I think in the 70's or 80's, to his house on a stretch of road notorious for speeding drivers and sharp corners, where almost daily someone would come flying around a corner and have to slam the brakes on for cattle, a tractor etc - facing that blade would have been unreal! The last massive roller coaster/dip before the house has claimed many vehicles due to how steep it is.
I actually have alot of video as well, unfortunately the best clip of all, having the dozer pulled up the hill and past me, was partially lost due to a bad hard drive on the camera at the time!
If anyone is able to reach out to Don, or any family who may be interested in contacting me please let me know.