When will things start to pick up ?

Do you have a site around the corner? Show us the progress, discuss the approach ...

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martyn williams
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When will things start to pick up ?

Post #1 by martyn williams » Thu Sep 15, 2011 3:27 pm

The present downturn in the economy don't look like improving.Unemployment increasing etc etc.When will it improve.
Even the big companies are struggling.

What would you do to turn things around ?


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Re: When will things start to pick up ?

Post #2 by shovel418 » Thu Sep 15, 2011 4:10 pm

Martyn, to normal people watching this CNN video clip it will have an effect on them, feeling sorrow for the families being laid off there jobs, for every Man & Woman that looses there job there is usually a family behind them that is also effected, but here is the sad fact they people that caused this world financial crisis and even looking at todays news still doing it, this video will have no effect on them, until we prosicute senior bankers and spectulators, stock's & bond traders for beeing reckless in there duties then we will never really see the back of these type of mass lay off's. sad but I beleve it is true. :x :x it would be nice to see how other members view this economic melt down that most people are having to deal with. well done Martyn for posing that question it is good to see that, even though this site has lots of interesting topics relating to peoples interests and hobbies that we can show the we are not removed from what is happening to the very people that we sometimes call upon for information relating to old & classic machines like: Cat,JCB,Volvo,ford, etc,etc :cry: :evil:


Martyn Henley
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Re: When will things start to pick up ?

Post #3 by Martyn Henley » Thu Sep 15, 2011 4:30 pm

Sit at home and smoke dope all day long i guess .. no seriously Martyn, its a world wide thing, too many people, too many greedy bankers and investors, so much mismanagement of Governments, companies expanding to huge proportions and swallowing up all opposition,

Fuel prices going through the roof is perhaps the driving force behind many peoples woes though, making products more expensive, so companies cut the work staff down to try to keep prices down ...and it just sort of snowballs from there all the way down to the man in the street ...

One thing though, what happens when people cant afford to live anymore

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martyn williams
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Re: When will things start to pick up ?

Post #4 by martyn williams » Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:32 pm

Cameron says" we are all in it together " he is a multi millionair :dizzy: We need people at the top that understands what is happening to joe public. We will never get that.The energy companies will push this country over the edge. If we get a bad winter,God help our old folk. Our MP's as so out of touch, its incredible.
What do we do ? To pay off the counties debt,we print more money to pay off that debt, Then to boost the economy,we print vouchers worth £1000 for each tax payer for goods that are produced in the UK only.This works out cheaper than the bank bailout,
Then we tell the greenies to F off and open up more coal fired power stations and stop building those stupid windfarms that develope less power than your average fart.
Then you visit the long term scroungers and give them the option,lose benefit or help clean up the country.
Then we tell the EU with their stupid regulations to get stuffed and do the same as Germany and France do and ignore the EU manderins .
Then we try to instill pride back into the UK , and tell teachers to start teaching and not to worry about school performance charts.Give them back the power to bollock a child that miss behaves in class.
Well thats a start.

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Re: When will things start to pick up ?

Post #5 by shovel418 » Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:39 pm

Martyn, sitting here looking at SKY news, hoping and keeping everything crossed for the trapped Miners, hope they all get out safe.


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Re: When will things start to pick up ?

Post #6 by andyb » Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:47 pm

I second that , but I would add close the borders ! ! there is little pride left in the UK , we used to be a global player but now we are just a follower.

We used to manufactor and ship world wide , but now its shipped to us from world wide , why pay us huge wages when it can be built as good for a fraction of the cost in foreign lands , the costs of living in the UK have ment we can no longer be a world player.

Coal that we can still mine over here can be shipped from the other side of the world for cheeper than we can produce it here , the same goes for tin and china clay.

The only thing I disagree with is the power stations , they are old fashioned and need to change, everything we make should be from renewable resources , as the worlds natural resources are running out.


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martyn williams
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Re: When will things start to pick up ?

Post #7 by martyn williams » Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:19 pm

Hopefully the miners will be rescued quickly and are safe and well,I also hope that a mate of mine is not involved in this as he does some work now and again in this area. They have got all the rescue equipment on site.Hopefully they are trapped in an air pocket.
We have had a lot of rain in the area over the last week.
You will find that a lot of mine accidents happen this time of year if you look back at past accidents.
Our thoughs are with ther families and for a satisfactory outcome. These small mines are very basic with not much equipment.

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Re: When will things start to pick up ?

Post #8 by shovel418 » Fri Sep 16, 2011 10:23 am

I know quit a lot about mines and mining, I know what it means to wait at the pit enterance for people to come out, however even though my father always made it out, he dident escape the illness that the mining would give them and as a result passed away with lungs that were full of coal dust, listening to the news this morning is very sad for one of the families, sad day for anyone connected with that aeria of Wales, my sympathies go out to all.


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